A Look at our Camp
Summer Camp
Here are a few of the adventures we have planned for this summer:
- Each camp will have a theme of Rocks, Sticks, Birds, Water, and Plants.
- Hikes are combined with an activity and learning goal that is enviromentally and science focused.
- The children will be writing congressmen on the importance of enviromental preservation, and journal each day.
- In conjunction with Alta bird enthusiasts, learn about the species around Alta and make feeders.
- Art will include a variety of open-ended activities.
- Children will go on picnics too!
- Every week will be different as the nature around us changes. We will do a variety of fun things throughout the summer, like make ice cream in a bag, wlaking sticks, solar ovens, leaf rubbings, Twig boat races, Music in the mountains, First Aid Kits, etc.
- We go on a hike twice a day! Play in nature and be free spirited children of the earth.